You're So Beautiful Today.

Oh the sudden urge to blog after reading Tzi's update (: Tzi, see how you brought the blogging mojo back into me. :D

Anyways! ABOUT American Idol, this season's so much better. Competition has never been that tight before especially with the new Top36 and Top12 arrangement. Don't really like it though :S HAHA and there hasn't been so many amazing voices and looks, heee :p Hey, you've got to agree!

Hands up for Kris Allen! :D

Hmm, it was Adam Lambert from the start who really really reminded me of Joe Jonas. And Tzi, Adam's still my favourite so put my name back in! HAHA. There's Anoop whos really good but didnt get through Top12. There's Alison, Jasmine, Danny, Nick aka Normund and a whole lot. (:

Oh god should've seen my face when Kris got into Top12!! And the amount of times i've heard/saw his Man In The Mirror performance is just plain crazy.

SIGH. Just got back from Xenri @ Menara Hap Seng for Japanese buffet dinner. Food's alright. AH *jaw drops* at the sight of yummy food! My cousin attacked the food even before we were shown to our tables. HAHA and i think we were too noisy in the room cause like, when we left everyone was looking at us. Hello, 17 people, what do you expect right? :) Lots of laughing and talking!

My cousin and I were getting ice-cream and he was immitating the auntie who sells ice-cream in school, well in Mutiara. HAHAHA it was so hilarious. I think the people thought I was retarded cause I kept laughing non-stop. And he hit some indian girl's ass before cause my uncle made him. XD

ROFLMAO. School tomorrow, tata! :D


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